Friday, August 26, 2016

Ethical Hacking

 The Art of exploring various security breaches is termed as Hacking.
 Computer Hackers have been around for so many years. Since the Internet became widely used in the World, We have started to hear more and more about hacking. Only a few Hackers, such as Kevin Mitnick, are well known.
 In a world of Black and White, it’s easy to describe the typical Hacker. A general outline of a typical Hacker is an Antisocial, Pimple-faced Teenage boy. But the Digital world has many types of Hackers.
 Hackers are human like the rest of us and are, therefore, unique individuals, so an exact profile is hard to outline. The best broad description of Hackers is that all Hackers aren’t equal. Each Hacker has Motives, Methods and Skills. But some general characteristics can help you understand them. Not all Hackers are Antisocial, Pimplefaced Teenagers. Regardless, Hackers are curious about Knowing new things, Brave to take steps and they are often very Sharp Minded. Hacker
 Hacker is a word that has two meanings:
 Traditionally, a Hacker is someone who likes to play with Software or Electronic Systems. Hackers enjoy Exploring and Learning how Computer systems operate. They love discovering new ways to work electronically.
 Recently, Hacker has taken on a new meaning — someone who maliciously breaks into systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are Crackers as Criminal Hackers. Crackers break into systems with malicious intentions.
 They do it for Personal gain, Fame, Profit and even Revenge. They Modify, Delete and Steal critical information, often making other people’s life miserable.
 Hacking has a lot of meanings depending upon the person’s knowledge and his work intentions. Hacking is an Art as well as a Skill. Hacking is the knowledge by which one gets to achieve his Goals, anyhow, using his Skills and Power.
 Most people associate Hacking with breaking law, therefore calling all those guys who engage in hacking activities to be criminals. We agree that there are people out there who use hacking techniques to break the law, but hacking is not really about that. In fact, hacking is more about following the law and performing the steps within the limits.

Hacker vs Cracker

What Is the Difference Between a Hacker and a Cracker?

 Many articles have been written about the difference between Hackers and crackers, which attempt to correct public misconceptions about hacking. For many years, media has applied the word Hacker when it really means Cracker. So the public now believe that a Hacker is someone who breaks into computer systems and steal confidential data. This is very untrue and is an insult to some of our most talented Hackers.

How to access Blocked torrent sites -Again (india)

Shocking New For Torrent Users That Torrents Are Not Working In India

Well We Have Found Solutions For Them To Get Back In Pace

Step 1. If You Are Using Chrome Then Download Extension Named BETTERNET.

Step 2. Mostly Users Were Using . Well They Have Released New Version

Step 3. After Installing BETTERNET Connect It and Start Opening Your Loving Torrent Site.

Peoples Who Were Using Kickass Torrent Their New Version IS 

Another Ways To Open Torrents Sites Is To Use Our Lovely TOR BROWSER

A short explanation of MD5

MD5 stands for Message-Digest Algorithm 5, and is a widely-used encryption method. MD5 was considered impossible to crack, however, as most people will tell you, no encryption method is impossible to crack.
MD5 hashes are also used as a "digital signature" because if anything is changed, including case, the hash will be completely different.

What is an FTP Bounce Attack?

How is FTP Bounce Attack perpetrated

This attack is possible when FTP Server in supports passive mode.
Let’s look into what is passive mode of FTP connection.
FTP protocol normally uses two connections – one control connection and one data connection. Commands are transferred using control connection and data travels through the data connection.

SSH tunneling basics



B. Tunneling Explanation
C. SSH Tunneling


\”Telnet is a user command using TCP/IP protocols to access a computer remotely. To have access to that computer, you must have permission, meaning you must authenticate to the system with a valid username and password. When you are connected to the network using telnet, you can enter commands and they will be executed as if the were being entered directly onto the server console.\” –

Telnet in short, is used to connect to a remote computer and interact with it. Telnet can be used for many reasons, terminal based SMTP servers, terminal based FTP servers, terminal based HTTP servers (sorta like the old BBS boards).


\”PuTTY is an SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP client. It was originally available only for Windows, but is now also available on various Unix platforms, with work-in-progress ports to Classic Mac OS and Mac OS X. Other people have contributed unofficial ports to other platforms. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham, and is open source, licensed under the MIT license.\” –

Sumarized, putty is used alot like telnet but less buggy and much more user friendly. It also comes with a GUI to help out those who do not want to launch commands via the command prompt (such as \”putty -ssh …..\”)

B. Tunneling Explanation

Tunneling is used to do 3 things.
1) Avoid web filters.
2) Avoid sniffers on a untrusted network.
3) Getting to a trusted internet source at airports, hotels, starbucks, and other places with hotspots. (Yes, this can also be used to gain free internet at places like this, but that is illegal and I dont recommend doing so. Getting arrested over stealing some internet at a cafe is just plain stupid.)

Tunneling is basicly just creating a \”tunnel\” between you and a trusted computer.

Untrusted network -> You -> Website

Untrusted network -> You -ENCRYPTED> Trusted computer -> Website

So your only using the internet of the untrusted network to connect to the trusted computer via SSH. The trusted computer is then the one who browses and sends back data, its used like a SOCKS proxy.

C. SSH Tunneling

To do SSH tunneling via telnet you must forward any port not being used by another application. Then open CMD and type:

this will connect to the trusted computer on port 22 (ssh).
login if prompted.

Now run firefox and click Tools>>Options.
Then click Connection Settings.
Now tick Manual Proxy Configuration.
Leave HTTP/SSL/FTP/Gopher proxy\’s blank and fill in the SOCKS Host boxes.
The first box is localhost (or
The port is whatever port you forwarded.
Now just click ok and click ok again at the main options screen.
Now try surfing to google or something and it should now be surfing under the IP of the trusted computer. (go to to see the trusted computer IP instead of urs).


Run putty.
Click Connection->SSH then click on Tunnels.
Now on the box that sais Source Port fill in the port to be forwarded.
Then tick Dynamic.
Then click the ADD button.
You should now see something like \”D#\” where # is the port you forwarded.

Now click Session at the right.

Under the box that sais Host Name (or IP adress) enter the trusted computers host name or IP.

Under port put 22 (ssh).

Set protocol to SSH.

OPTIONAL: if you do not want to go thru this again, under the text that sais Saved Sessions type anything you want and hit save, next time you wish to tunnel just click it in the list one time and hit load.

Now click open.
login if prompted.

Now run firefox and click Tools>>Options.
Then click Connection Settings.
Now tick Manual Proxy Configuration.
Leave HTTP/SSL/FTP/Gopher proxy\’s blank and fill in the SOCKS Host boxes.
The first box is localhost (or
The port is whatever port you forwarded.
Now just click ok and click ok again at the main options screen.
Now try surfing to google or something and it should now be surfing under the IP of the trusted computer. (go to to see the trusted computer IP instead of urs).

How to chat using cmd

  1. All you need is your friend’s IP Address and your Command Prompt.
  2. Open notepad and write this code as it is……!
  3. Now save this as “messenger.bat.”
  4. open command prompt.
  5. drag this file(.bat file)over to command prompt and press enter.
  6. you would then see something like this Screenshot (6).png
  7. Now type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter.
  8. Now all you need to do is type your message and press enter.